By Ibin Maimoon, an Andalucían doctor (1135-1204AD)

Fill my sole with the love of my profession

The love for all mankind

Do not let the drive for profit or my devotion for glory

Affect the performance of my profession.

It is possible that the enemies of justice, love and humanity can deceive and distract me with ease from my noble duty of doing well for your sons.

Strengthen the vigour of my heart, so that I will always be ready to serve the poor and the rich, friend or foe, and good or evil.

Purify my conscience when I am near the sickbed of my patients.

Let my patients trust me and my skills, and follow my guidance and advice.

If I am faced with the criticism of the ignorant and their ridicule, let me love my profession.

Be a safe protecting shield from them.

Grant me my God, forgiveness and patience from my argumentative and stubborn patients.

Let me be moderate in everything, except for my hunger and love for knowledge.

Distant from me the thoughts that I know everything and can cure everything.

Give me strength, the will and the opportunity to expand my horizon.

Today, make me able to discover in my science the things that never occurred to me yesterday.

The human thinking will always strive for more for knowledge is endless.

Compiled and translated by Robert Ewan/London / 2012