The Current situation of Christian communities under pressure

By AB Habib Jajou

Falling of the former regime in Iraq after 2003 Christians in Iraq began the second wave of migration. The first wave was during the 8 years’ war with Iran. Unfortunately, the third wave started when part of the displaced families because of ISIS started to seek refuge in the neighbouring countries. That was between 2014 & 2016. Almost 2 out of 3 of Christians fled from Iraq; Nowadays, the country the majority of Christians are living in the Nineveh Plain plus in villages of Kurdistan, Baghdad, the rest in Kirkuk and the south.

Politically, the government is weak due to the effect of the deep state. Moreover, the country is divided into what are like mini-states. In the Parliament there are five (Christian) members. They were appointed by the influential parties, so that we don’t have hope that they are able to do a bit for the Christians. Christians face spreading injustice in various fields, and in different times HB Cardinal Louise Sako said that we have become second-class citizens. We had hope in Iraqi state to stand at the same space with their people, also to take responsibility of protecting them and maintain their full rights. We thought it will support ethnic religious institutions, civil society and human rights organizations to achieve their humanitarian goals. The Endowments of the Christian, Ezidian & Sabin Mandaean Religions Divan have no role to assist churches due to a lake in its budged.

The armed groups in the Nineveh Plain are dangerous for Christians. People don’t feel safe or secure because the spread of weapons not among the groups rather over the country. This Plain needs reconstruction. It is neglected because the struggle between the central government and the Kurdistan one. Thanks for many Christian Western solidarities for their help.

Economically, the percentage of unemployment is 18%. It is more for Christians because the corruption. To obtain a job, a Christian needs support from a party in power. Therefore, Christians seek to self-employment.

Socially, despite broken down of the economic and political structure of the society, the new Constitution sparked inflamed among Christians. It has closed the country to become a violent Islamic state. We suffer because lake of belief freedom due to Islamic laws and also tribal values. It should be based on the concept of citizenship.

The article (2: a) in the constitution says that it’s not permissible legislating any law against Islam. According to that Christian must obey any Iraqi law is legislated according to Islamic religion and culture. Also, the article 26 of the Personal Status Law states: “Children shall follow the religion of a parent converted to Islam.” This applies to children if their Christian mother marries a Muslim man or if either parent converts to Islam. Consequently, this is one of the reasons that migrants have no desire to return. Despite of that, officials usually praise Christians only for political gain or to deceive the Western media.

The Church in Iraq is facing very critical years and numerous challenging issues: immigration, daily violence, institutionalisation of injustice, marginalization and destruction of the community, broken marriages, and so on. We face the spread and control of the Islamic culture; harassment on account of their faith in education, employments. Nevertheless, we are struggling to get our dignity and rights.

Inheriting it from their ancestors, Iraqi Christians have a strong faith. They kept it in different languages: Aramaic, Arabic, and also in English or Kurdish. In addition to the liturgical life, they practise their faith on daily basis through many cultural and pastoral activities through for example: Christian colleges & institutes, publishing periodically 10 magazines and yearly up to 30 books; this plus many radio stations, tens of Websites and other social media channels.  They proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven and spread the Good News in unity with universal church.

The Iraqi Churches aim not only to keep and protect the national fabric of different religion through interreligious dialogue, rather consolidate good social relations among them; to meet their needs and follow-up human education; to focus on positive coexistence on the basis of divine virtues.

A big thank you to the churches and Christian solidarities in the West who are working to help Christians, Muslims and other ethnics through different projects: health, reconstruction, cultural courses. Thanks for rebuilding and repairing many churches, classrooms, and homes. Also the Bible Society provides every church with free copies of the Bible in different local languages. We thank them for generous donors and those who have been praying for us.

A year ago, His Holiness Pope Francis visited Mesopotamia and delivered several speeches. He has come with a message of peace and love to the country, aimed at urging officials to work together to overcome the obstacles, accept coexistence and open a door of hope for Iraqis. Paying much attention to the visit, the government did nothing for Christians.

Since 2003 leaders are struggling and challenge armed parties who have militias from aside and effected by tribes from other side. His Holiness visiting was only a profit for the government media.

Encouraging Christians to stay in Iraq demand the following issues from the leaders:

  1. All Iraqi people must be equal in rights. Christians unable to rescuing their occupied properties by the powerful people. 
  2. Stopping the demographic change in the Nineveh Plain, which is the only place left in Iraq where Christians can practise their culture and social life freely.
  3. Having freedom to celebrate religious festivals, national, and cultural tools.
  4. Promote job opportunities on the basis of non-discrimination by the government or Islamic parties.
  5. Promote equal opportunities between men and women, and protect the dignity of women and children.
  6. Correct the defects in Christian-Muslim relations, especially in cases of marriage and inheritance.
  7. Renewal of educational curriculums in order to promote equality, religious freedom and forgiveness. Worth mentioning, our Christian history for 2000 years is absent from the Iraqi history books used in schools.

Basra 30/04/2022